"Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (CEDB), currently in opposition, looks set to lead the government that emerges from the next election, although this is unlikely to lead to any significant shifts in economic policy."Но за ГЕРБ няма да е лесно да състави правителство, поне според сегашните проучвания:
"Recent opinion polls confirm the lead of the CEDB over the BSP. However, if the current pattern of party support continues, it will again be difficult to form a coherent government with a stable majority after the election."
До изборите догодина политическата сцена у нас също няма да остане спокойна, според EIU:
"Relations between the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) and its partner in the ruling coalition, the centrist National Movement for Stability and Progress (NMSP), are likely to stay problematic until the next election, due in mid-2009."
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